Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone! That big plate above was my Turkey Day dinner. Juicy roast turkey with gravy (of course), roasted potatoes, roasted winter vegetables (recipe to come), sage stuffing, whipped sweet potatoes, sauteed green beans with garlic, homemade cranberry sauce, OOOOoooohhh!! Hope you also enjoyed a mostly healthy feast with no issues afterward. I spent the whole of Thursday cooking up a low sodium storm here at home and the rest of the weekend traveling to & from Philadelphia for my 20 YEAR High School Reunion. Talk about a whirlwind of FUN! And yes, I am exhausted.
But now it’s Tuesday. Company’s gone and it’s time to get back on track. Tomorrow is December 1st. The start of HOLIDAY BAKING! For fun I’ve decided to resurrect The Daily Dish Annual Holiday Bake-off, replete with PRIZES for the best 3 recipe submissions. Contest details are forthcoming, but wanted to encourage you all to get out those recipe boxes and start thinking BIG. Or little. Whatever, just think SWEET. But today I must tackle this looming mountain of laundry. So until then, think sweet thoughts. See you soon!