There is something to be said for sharing yourself & your possessions freely. This site, for instance, was created as a sort of freewill offering to mankind. I find that the more generous you are with others, often the more generous they are with you. And what better way to give than by Freecycling?
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, click HERE and check it out! Freecycle is a way of gifting others and being gifted in return. It’s a means of keeping valuable, usable items out of landfills, a form of exchange requiring NO MONEY. All that’s needed is goodwill, generosity and a little legwork (for pickup). Joining is 100% FREE! And if I sound like a zealot, that’s because I am. There is nothing to lose with Freecycle and everything to gain.
Back in Philly, I was co-moderator of West Philly Freecycle. And since moving to Maine, I’ve taken a role as co-moderator of my local Portland Freecycle group. Being a moderator is yet another way to give freely of yourself and your time. There’s nothing more satisfying than making a positive, tangible difference in your community. Except (*cough cough*) perhaps getting FREE STUFF YOURSELF! 🙂
Yesterday I responded to a neighbor’s OFFER post of a “One Dish Meals” cookbook (YOU KNOW I DID!) and was thrilled to be picking it up a mere hour or two later.
Does anything in that photo look FAMILIAR??!! THE OVAL BLUE DUTCH OVEN, perhaps??!!!!!
I’ve already dogeared several recipes. Stay tuned to see what’s coming up next!

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