I am a list maker. For as long as I can remember, I’ve jotted down notes on whatever I can find, detailing what needs doing. TO DO Lists:
- keep me on task,
- help me stay organized, and
- provide a sense of closure once chores are completed.
Making lists also makes living on a low sodium diet so much easier. When I run low on something I jot it down, replace it and move on with life. Because I make lists, I save myself money, hunger and hassle. So with that in mind, what’s coming up on The Daily Dish?
APPLES! With pounds remaining from my family’s pick-your-own extravaganza, I’ll be featuring this fall fruit all next week. 6 days of low sodium sweetness, in the form of baked goods and more. From center stage to backup player, apples are healthy, hearty and incredibly versatile. If you have an opportunity this weekend, find a local farm and stock up!
And speaking of stock, the kind folks at Kitchen Basics have supplied me with enough unsalted stock to showcase soups for weeks to come. With cold weather fast approaching, there’s no time like the present. So take a moment to prepare by either making your own salt free broth at home and freezing it, or picking up a quart or three when you’re out at the store.
I hope you find today’s virtual TO DO list helpful for your own shopping, and I look forward to cooking with you all next week.
Happy Weekend!