This thick relish-esque sauce makes a superb low sodium sandwich topping, addition to breakfast (try it on toast or over pancakes), or garnish for roasted meat. And not just turkey, either. LIBERATE THOSE POOR CRANBERRIES! They’re not just for holidays anymore!
Yields about 2 cups.
SODIUM CONTENT: scant trace per serving
1 c. orange juice (I really like Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Orange-Tangerine)
1 c. sugar
3 c. fresh cranberries, washed
1 clementine, peeled, segmented and chopped coarsely
Measure the juice and sugar into a small stockpot and stir to combine. Bring to a boil over high heat, add the cranberries and chopped clementine, reduce heat to medium and simmer 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cover. Allow to cool to room temperature before serving.

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