Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. SO. Now that the table’s been cleared, the dishes done, and the leftovers relegated to their odd & various tins, let’s talk about some of the ways we can consume all that bounty.
Depending upon what you’ve made, you may or may not have a whole boatload of bird taking up a substantial portion of your refrigerator. Good news! I have two excellent recipes which use not only the meat, but the actual carcass as well.
Each year without fail, my mom makes Turkey Noodle Soup from whatever scraps are left after the meal. This is a great way to recycle all sorts of bits, so BE CREATIVE. Another absolutely scrumptious recipe is the Turkey Stew I posted earlier this month. Be sure to use the recipe for Homemade Turkey Broth to get every last bit out of the bird.
Last year I came up with the most FABBBULOUS way to use a stray sweet potato,
SWEET POTATO CINNAMON ROLLS. But if you’re looking for a more savory recipe, I highly recommend Moroccan-Spiced Sweet Potato and Chickpea Stew. MMMM-Mmmm!
If you’ve made homemade cranberry sauce, you’re bound to have a bucket of fresh cranberries rolling round the crisper bin. Place those berries in a zip-top plastic bag and freeze. Or try one (or both!) of these super easy quick-breads. Orange Cranberry Bread, or the award-winning Streusel-Topped Apple Cranberry Bread. PS: They’re great for gift-giving too.

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