Summer is almost here! As much as I’m welcoming warm weather and a little R&R, the next few months also promise a lot of work. My daughters are out of school in two weeks, and after that I’ll be assuming my role as chief counselor for their summertime entertainment. In addition, I’ll be fitting in work on my cookbook whenever I can and squeezing in recipes here as well. The upgrade on this website is officially on hold until the fall because, frankly, I am only ONE WOMAN. Fortunately, the Mom Central grant check finally arrived Saturday (WOOT!) and I have decided on a CSA.
Fishbowl Farm. Not only are they committed to producing the highest quality food while protecting the environment, but they will also be saving me $$$ in the process. HOW? Because Fishbowl Farm’s CSA operates differently than those I’ve supported in the past. Rather than having to drive to the farm weekly or act as a host site myself, I will pick up my share from Fishbowl Farm each Saturday at the local farmer’s market. Given my current car situation, a truly great thing! But it gets better. Unlike a traditional CSA where you pay for and receive a set share each week, Fishbowl Farm’s CSA is completely customizable. You pay for your share upfront and then each time you visit the market YOU select exactly what you want from what’s available and it’s deducted from your CSA account. Hate BEETS? No problem; you never EVER have to suffer through weeks of them again. Love tomatoes? Buy as many as you want. And so on. It’s also the perfect solution for those who travel; unlike standard CSAs where your share is lost if you’re out of town, with Fishbowl Farm your account balance remains unchanged until YOU decide to use it. And because Fishbowl Farm operates both a summer as well as a winter farmer’s market, each share is good for an entire YEAR! June to June. In essence, Fishbowl Farm’s CSA is just like having a year-round credit account. I can bike, walk or drive to the farmer’s market weekly and unless I’m planning on buying from another purveyor, I don’t even need to bring money!! Beginning next week, I’ll be featuring recipes inspired by the beautiful bounty I’m bringing home from Fishbowl Farm, so stay tuned!

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